Monday, October 5, 2009

Oscars, Mid-terms, and Miley Cyrus songs....

I haven't posted in a while and I apologize for that (Paul) but I'm going to give this thing a whirl....

Recently my fish tank full of my prized possessions (my fish are like my babies) had an outbreak of a parasite known as "Ich" slowly killing off all six of my fish. I had started treatment too late as I had not recognized the symptoms soon enough. By the time the treatment was completed only one fish remained, a hearty Plecostomus, but he passed shortly afterwards. After making sure the water was safe for life I purchased 2 beautiful young Albino Tiger Oscars which I named Ziggy and Russell. My roommates love them strictly for the reason that they hunt down and eat live fish, its actually pretty fun to watch in a sick and twisted way.


I started my mid-terms today I had my relatively easy American Civil War midterm this morning and I have my soul-crushing British Classics exam tomorrow no matter how much I read and annotate I'll never feel ready for that monstrosity.

...Flashback to Saturday...

I went to a party at a friend's house last weekend just because my roommate and I were alone in the apartment and really wanted to get out before cabin fever set in. When we got there it was good to see everyone. As the night passed we all started to get less and less...well lets just say at the end of it myself and 4 other guys were singing and swaying to that terribly catchy-I mean gay Miley Cyrus song "Party in the USA" and to make matters worse we did it twice in a the same song.

I'll turn in my Man card to the front desk immediately...

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahah

    That's all I can say to your man card.
