Monday, October 19, 2009

It's a good day...

Boondock Saints is a cult classic and by far one of my favorite movies, so when I read that the much awaited sequel Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day will be in theaters on October 30th this year I had to change my pants. The story is as follows: The Saints are living in the sticks in Ireland on a sheep farm trying to ignore the past. They are told that their childhood Priest in Boston was murdered and they have been framed for it. They are forced to travel to Boston to clear their names and bring some good ol' fashioned justice to whoever framed them. I watched the trailer and I'm sold because not only are the Saints played by the same actors but EVERY main actor from the first film is reprising their roles (outside of Willem Dafoe, his character is not in the movie) even Bob Marley (the white one not the famous Reggae musician, he is afterall deceased) as Detective Greenly.

Here's the Redband trailer (watch out they use Potty Language)


  1. awesome trailer... they kinda look old! it's been what, 8 years since the last movie?

    about damn time.
